Bos elektro bv, ISO-certified and founded in 1985, is now a market leader in electro-technical equipment for the building and manufacturing industries, shipyards, offshore companies, NATO and infrastructure projects. The company has several branches in The Netherlands and other countries. Our company manufactures equipment for temporary power supply and related products, such as floodlights, masts for floodlights, wire, cable, connection and main distribution boxes, heaters, dehumidifiers and switching equipment, and supplies these to above mentioned target groups. Bos elektro bv imports sub-assemblies and finished products exclusively from major factories and firms, and exports all over the world. Apart from English, catalogues are also available in Dutch, German and French.
Bos elektro products are painstakingly checked and tested during manufacture and before they leave the factory for material and manufacturing flaws. Because of this, we fully guarantee the products we sell.
In exceptional cases, defective products must be returned to us carriage-paid. After we have looked at them, such products may be replaced or repaired free of charge. This guarantee does not apply to products that have become unserviceable because of normal wear and tear, injudicious usage, carelessness or abuse.
Terms and conditions of delivery
All our tenders, order confirmations, sales and deliveries take place solely on the basis of our general terms and conditions as filed with the Gooi and Eemland Chamber of Commerce under number 32053511 in Holland. We will be pleased to send you a copy on request.
Brand registration
Our brand name as well as our product names are legally registered with the BENELUX Trade Mark Office in The Hague.
Copyrights reserved. Without permission in writing from Bos elektro bv, nothing contained in this publication -with a few exceptions allowed by law - may be duplicated and/or made public by way of photocopies, storage in computer files, microfilm or in any other fashion. This also applies to full or partial editing/revision of thematerial.
In producing this catalogue, we have taken the utmost care. However, the possibility of errors and incomplete information cannot be wholly excluded. For that reason, Bos elektro bv does not in any way accept any liability for damage, direct or indirect, resulting from or being related to the use of products listed in Bos elektro bv publications.